(Today’s post takes quite a different turn. I hope you find it amusing and return)
Someone exceptionally extremely sharing my life with me close. Recently asked me. Inquired. If perhaps he should might kind of maybe be losing his hair. If this situation were to be in fact true. Would I still want to be with him love him forever never part. Yes indeed. Without question.
So. On this day. Which happens to also be. Represent a special anniversary of his ask request get down on a knee while hiking on a beautiful trail in the woods. If I might possibly consider be willing maybe. To be his wife. My enthusiastic before he finished speaking. YES!
(It’s about time. I had been waiting wanting this. So very much. My heartmate soulcrush bestlife friend partner love)
The following Seussian story is for you. And all others who love while aging.
(Imagine. If you will. Sketches drawings of an older couple having this discussion while a picture of them together in their prime of youth love. Rests on a table. Nearby they move throughout their day. Their life. Walking dogs. Making food. Gardening. Paying bills. Laundry. Reaching out to share a kiss. A smile. Laughter. Love. Holding hands. Together)
(Let’s pretend this first character is named J.P. You see, it just came to me…)
Oh no my dear
It is my fear
When just I glanced
By happenchance
In that mirror over there
That one for which I never cared
Appears to show a lack of hair
Upon my head
And now I dread
My age is showing
My scalp is glowing
It is age indeed
That accelerates speed
Of my decline
You may no longer be inclined
To stay with me
For you may see
I am growing old
And if I may be so bold
Will you still love me
(For efficiency’s sake, I beg to make
This character named Patti
whose turn it is to now be chatty)
Anyway? All ways…
I have no care about your hair
You could be a green bald bear
For I love you here and there
You see, I love you everywhere
When first we met
At age 18
You were my handsome teenage dream
Of height so tall
And waist so small
I loved you then
My lifetime friend
As we grew
And changed our ways
We sought destiny
In different ways
Through it all
I felt so small
Of heart and mind
And missing kind(ness)
In your face
And eyes of grace
When you entered
Back in my life
All became good
There was no strife
But ease of mind
I am sublime
Being with you
Is all I wish to do
So you may lose each and every hair
Upon that dome
I will wash it
So it shines like chrome
You may gain weight around your middle
I will hold you tighter
Each day
Quite more than a little
You may stoop or bend
And once again
I will hold you close
Love you the most
For no matter what transpires
My love for you is so much higher
Than anything everything
So bring aging on
Together always we grow strong
In our love our friendship our marriage our ways
No one
Makes me wish
For one less day
No matter what we do
I always want more time
Being with you
And I will always say
Every single day
I do
(love only you mostest always real and true)
(Photo of us on our belated honeymoon in St Lucia last year. Showing our age with lines of happy smiles laughter joy)